Trendy Mates 2

Friday 10 April 2015

10 Most Surprising Unhealthy Foods

When making decisions about what we eat, it's
sometimes hard to know what's for the best. Labels
with claims of being low fat, no fat, zero calories or
even a super food are helpful, but are they giving us
the full picture? We've put together a list of ten foods
that are often mistaken as healthy but actually aren't.
Read on to find out more…
1. Ramen noodles
Most of us are under the illusion that if a food is
Japanese it has to be healthy: Wrong. While most
Japanese food is very low in fat, ramen noodles
aren't the best choice. If you just eat the noodles
alone in a broth, you're really just enjoying a whole
lot of salt. Increase the nutrition value by adding
stacks of fresh, steamed vegetables.
2. Cream Cheese
If you enjoy a bagel laden with cream cheese, try and
make it a weekly treat rather than an everyday snack
or breakfast choice. Cream cheese, even the low fat
variety, is still very high in fat and low in calcium and
nutrition. Ricotta cheese is a healthier alternative.
3. Fried banana and vegetable chips
Fried anything is not good for you, whether it be a
parsnip, banana or plantain. Many of these so-called
healthy snacks are also high in sugar, salt and fat so
are best enjoyed in small doses or not at all.
Definitely don't enjoy them throughout the day at
your desk!
4. Muffins
A muffin a day will definitely lead to a muffin top.
These delicious breakfast favourites can be loaded
with up to as many as 800 calories, not to mention a
whole heap of fat and sugar. If you can't resist this
sugary treat, opt for the skinny variety or make your
own. That way you know just how much sugar and oil
has gone into them.
5. Honey Granola
Granola is one of those foods that has always been
marketed as a health food, but be careful. The honey
variety can have nearly three teaspoons of sugar
within half a cup full so don't overindulge.
6. Canned soup
Canned soup is easy, tasty and cheap so it's no
wonder that so many of us enjoy it for lunch. Make
sure you check the label of your favourite variety
though – some Campbell's red label soups are
packed with salt.
7. Dried fruit
Dried apricots are a tasty and nutritious snack but
they should be eaten in small amounts. Dried fruits
mean consumption is easy and you can pack away a
lot of calories without even thinking. Enjoy them with
cereal or as part of a main meal rather than eating
8. Energy Bars
There are some really nutritious energy and cereal
bars out there but make sure you check the label.
Some are full of sugar and saturated fat so they
aren't the best source of fuel before the gym or in
between meals. Try making your own and use apple
juice to sweeten.
9. Reduced Fat Peanut Butter
It's reduced fat so it must be healthier, right?
Unfortunately not. Both low fat and full fat peanut
butter usually contain the same amount of calories
but the reduced fat version will contain more sugar.
Enjoy it in small doses and don't eat more just
because it says low fat on the label.
10. Japanese Rice Crackers
These small and tasty snacks (otherwise known as
senbei) contain seaweed so everyone thinks they're a
health food. In reality the amount of seaweed is small
and is used as more of a seasoning rather than a
main ingredient. You're mostly snacking on refined
rice flour which isn't very good for you.
Have any of these foods surprised you with their
hidden fat and calorie content? Or are there any
more that you think we should know about? We'd
love to hear your thoughts so please comment

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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