Trendy Mates 2

Thursday 19 March 2015

Is Breast Enlargement Or Enhancement Halaal?

Modest Muse advises a woman on whether
or not it would be permissible to seek natural
breast enhancement or enlargement after
having children.
Q: I am a mother of 3 kids under the age of 7.
After breastfeeding my breasts are now small
and have no shape or firmness. What does
Shari'ah law rule on natural breast
enhancement like herbal remedies or
capsules that do not contain haraam
substances? My main reason for wanting to
do this is for pleasing my husband and for
the sake of Allah, not to beautify or attract
attention from other men.
May Allah guide and protect us all from
temptation and the whispers of Shaytaan
Insha-Allah Ameen.
A: Bismillah’hir Raghmaan hir Ragheem. Al-
jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with
Allah’s guidance)
If this is done in a permissible way (i.e.) the
treatment is administered by a female
physician and there are no haraam
ingredients nor is there anything else
impermissible and this procedure does not
cause any harm then it will be permissible.
If the aim in enlarging the breasts is to
increase beauty, that is not permissible,
because it is changing the creation of Allah.
If the breasts are so small or unfirm, as to
cause you embarrassment and distress, then
there is nothing wrong with enlarging them in
ways that will not cause you harm, such as
using creams and so on.
Treating that with creams is easier than
having surgery which involves anaesthesia or
uncovering the ‘awrah in the event that there
is no specialized female doctor available.
What we have mentioned about differentiating
between beautification and removing faults is
the general guideline with regard to cosmetic
Regarding a surgical procedure for breast
enlargement/ reshaping or reduction: If the
disfigurement that you are dealing with is
incidental and is causing you severe
embarrassment as well as putting your
husband off, for example, and you are not
doing this operation for the purpose of
making yourself more beautiful, but only to
remove or reduce an accidental
disfigurement, then there is nothing wrong
with doing it, insha Allah.
And Only Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.
Sources: Moulana Qamruz Zaman - London,
UK and
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid –

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