Trendy Mates 2

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Four Common Questions About Past Life Regression By Brian L. Weiss M.D. Of Hay House Authors

Weiss said "Over the past 20 years, I've used meditation and
regression techniques with thousands of patients,
helping many of them alleviate psychological and
physical symptoms. The benefits of meditation,
healing visualization, and regression have been
extensively documented in my previous books; in
addition, my CDs have helped many people achieve
states of inner peace and tranquility. My book
Mirrors of Time allows you to take the next step and
use the same regression techniques and exercises
that I use with my patients. The benefits of regression
therapy extend far beyond the alleviation of
symptoms. Healing often results on all levels of our
being, including the physical, the emotional, and the
Before you embark on your own experiences with
regression techniques, here are some of the most
frequently asked questions I hear about the process":
Q. Do the regression exercises always evoke
memories of past lives? Is this the only way to have
such memories?
A. It's certainly possible to have actual past-life recall
through these regression exercises, although many
other types of relaxation or meditation techniques
can lead to the same thing as well. People may also
experience past-life recall during dreams,
spontaneously (often seen with children), or in many
other ways. For example, my first recollection of a
past life actually didn't take place during regression
therapy or hypnosis, but as a result of the state of
relaxation caused by shiatsu massage (or
acupressure). Suddenly, I vividly observed myself as
a priest in ancient Babylon. I'd like to point out that it
took me three months of daily meditation before I
had this regression. So the more you practice, the
better prepared you'll be to open up to these
Q. What are the memories like that come during
A. I find that actual past-life memories are usually
accessed and described in one of two ways. The first
is the classical pattern, where the person enters one
lifetime only and is able to perceive an extremely
complete, detailed depiction of that life and its
events. Almost as if it were a story, much of the
entire lifetime passes by; that is, it often begins with
birth or childhood and doesn't end until death. It's
possible that the person will painlessly and serenely
experience the death scene and a life review, where
the lessons of the lifetime are illuminated and
explored with the benefit of the person's higher
wisdom and possibly by a religious figure or spiritual
The second pattern of past-life recall is what I call the
key-moment flow. Here, the subconscious knits
together the most important or related moments
from a cluster of lifetimes, those key points that best
elucidate the person's hidden trauma and can most
quickly and powerfully heal them.
Q. How can I know if the memories I have are real, or
if they're fantasies or the result of my imagination?
A. It isn't critical to determine whether what comes to
mind is a symbol, a metaphor, a true memory, your
imagination, or a mixture of them all. My advice is to
relax and let what happens happen, in a
nonjudgmental way. If you allow the rational side of
your brain to take over, you may block memories and
waste an opportunity. Just experience and let your
subconscious wisdom come—afterwards, you can
analyze what you've gone through. With practice,
things become clearer, and you can differentiate
what is memory and what is metaphor, symbol, or
There are many people who try to validate their
memories with proof. Some of them have found their
own graves; others find official records that confirm
evidential details of their recall, offering proof of past
lives. One of the most extraordinary cases of this
involves a woman named Jenny Cockell. As a child,
she had memories of living in Ireland and dying
when her children were still small. As an adult, she
decided to look for them, and she managed to find
five of the eight children that she had borne during
that time.
Validation may also take place through the intensity
of the feelings associated with the memory and by
the alleviation of symptoms. Xenoglossy, which is the
ability to fluently speak a language one has never
learned or even encountered, is another type of
Q. What is the reason for using images of light, a
staircase, and a garden during the process?
A. The image of the light (and its symbolism) is found
in all cultures and societies on our planet. In near-
death experiences, a magnificent light often appears
as the consciousness detaches from the physical
body. The light transmits the feeling of peace and is
associated with understanding. And just like color,
light is a form of energy. I like to use light and colors
to deepen the induction to regression, and as a
metaphor for opening up the mind and enhancing
As for the staircase, slowly descending it symbolically
leads to deeper awareness and concentration. The
garden is a metaphor for a safe harbor, or the place
where one feels protected and secure from any
danger. This is why I sometimes recommend that
when people experience anxiety and tension, they
should breathe in deeply, imagine themselves
immersed in light, and visualize the garden of safety
and serenity.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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